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Privacy Policy



This document describes the way we collect and use the personal information you give us. It also describes what kind of data they are and what options they have to limit the use of such data, as well as the procedure to exercise their ARCO rights.

1) Responsible for the protection of your personal data.

INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V. (TERRAMAR), with address at Carretera Transpeninsular Km. 29.5, Plaza Las Palmas L-35 A, Col. Jesús Castro Agundez San José del Cabo, BCS 23440, Mexico, is responsible for the treatment (use) of your personal data.

2) Our Data Protection Department - How to contact us?


In charge of the Data Protection Department Gabriela Alicia Pimentel González Address: Paseo de Las Misiones M1 Lot 3, Golf Course Fractionation, San José del Cabo, BCS, Mexico CP 23440 Email: Privacy Data Telephone: +52 624 1429200

3) For what purposes do we collect and use your personal data?

Your personal data will be used for the following purposes:

Provide the requested products, tourist activities, transportation services, other products.

Provide the services requested and / or contracted. Respond to your information, attention and service requirements. Evaluate the quality of the service we provide (surveys). File of records and file of the contractual relationship for follow-up of future services. Financial management, billing and collection and process your payment (including the evaluation of your payment method, for fraud prevention purposes). To comply with the obligations and commitments that we have contracted with you.

To administer loyalty programs, discounts and rewards, carry out clarifications and investigations.

Additionally, your personal data may be used for: Promotion and marketing of products and services: Prepare studies and programs that are necessary to determine habits of use and consumption. Offer you new products and services tailored to your interests and needs. Notify you about new services, tourist activities or products that are related to those already contracted or acquired. Newsletters and communications about our organization.

4) What personal data do we obtain and from where?

For the purposes indicated above we can collect your personal data in different ways:

  • When you visit our internet sites: terramardestinations.com, bajaoutback.com, bookcabo.com and mediacentercabo.com or use our online services.
  • By phone, email or fax.
  • When you provide them to us personally.
  • When we obtain information through other sources of public access that are permitted by law (Telephone or work directories, websites, etc.).
Personal information we collect.

  • Contact information (Name, Email, Address, Telephone, Cell, Fax) Identity documentation (Voter's Credential, Passport, Driver's License, Certificate or Professional Certificate)
  • Financial data or financial information and means of payment (Credit card, debit card, checks).
  • Socio-economic data (Age, Sex, Income level, Schooling) Labor information (Company, Position, activity developed, CV).
  • Habits, sports, hobbies and hobbies.
  • Electronic records: this information includes information on purchases of our activities and / or services (made at our points of sale or online), IP address with which you access the website, user preferences, browser type; activity on the site, records of images and / or voice obtained by the performance of said activities.

Protection of personal data and information associated with credit cards, security measures.

In Terramar we have established physical, administrative and technical security measures to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or unauthorized use, access or processing, while said data are under our control. In relation to the information of the credit cards, we are required to obtain, process and keep the information of cards that are used for payments, in accordance with the security rules that have been adopted by the credit card manufacturers as they are VISA, MasterCard and American Express.

Use of the site made by minors.

We recommend that parents assume a proactive role in their children's use of the Internet. It is not our intention to collect information from children and, in general, from children under 18 years of age. If you are under 18, you should not provide information to the Website.

We inform you that in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, the following sensitive personal data will be collected and processed.

  • Medical and / or psychological background (state of health, illnesses, allergies, and / or clinical history) that we collect to identify possible risks in the practice of their activities contracted with us, that could be originated by the interaction of medications or other health problems ).
Requerimos su consentimiento (aceptación) expresa para el tratamiento de sus datos personales sensibles, y nos comprometemos a que los mismos serán tratados bajo las más estrictas medidas de seguridad que garanticen su confidencialidad.

5) Datos personales en Recursos Humanos:

In the case of candidates and collaborators and / or employees INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V. or any of its brands or affiliates, will use your personal data in order to:

  • Identify and carry out the process of recruitment and selection of personnel.
  • Verify if it complies with the profile and income requirements.
  • Prepare and process your application for income, if applicable, the employment contract.
  • Send via email or by any other means, information of interest related to INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V.,  TERRAMAR
  • Integrate and maintain your personal file to incorporate into this, any incident or modification that occurs during the existence of the employment relationship
  • Send communications regarding activities and events; information, study or work material, notifications of services, administrative messages, bulletins and informational flashes, articles, reviews, opinions, invitations to social, academic or work events, discussion forums and the like, typical of the activity and of the purposes of INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V.
  • Allow access to courses, events and / or work activities to which you have registered.

INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V., and / or TERRAMAR may share your personal information with payroll administration services; recruitment; audit services INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V. and other human resources services such as Corporate Grupo T3, S.A. of C.V.

For the aforementioned purposes, we require the following information

  • Name, address, age, date of birth, nationality, sex, marital status, if you belong to a trade union, email, telephone, information on academic degrees, information and work history, references, number of affiliation with the IMSS, identity card registration in the RFC and unique registry key of population (CURP).
The information provided during the registration process or registration to a program and promotions is used to conduct internal studies on, interests and behavior of users; with the purpose of providing products, services, content and advertising according to your needs.



For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, the information will be collected in different ways; when you provide it to us personally; When you visit our branches in the checkout area, information modules, make use of the complaints and suggestions box, or when you visit the website terramardestinations.com and use our online services.

We collect personal data directly when you provide them to us by various means, when you participate in our promotions or give us information in order to provide a service.

6) How to access, rectify, cancel or oppose the use and processing of your personal data (ARCO rights) or revoke your consent to the processing of your data?


You have the constitutional right to access and know the personal data we have and the details of the treatment and use thereof, as well as to rectify and correct them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; Cancel and eliminate them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, or that they are being used for purposes not authorized by you or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or, Oppose the treatment of the same for specific purposes.


The mechanisms implemented to exercise your ARCO Rights, as well as the deadlines, information and documentation that your request must contain, must be requested by email: Privacy Data


How can you limit the use of your personal information?


If you wish to stop receiving messages from us that are not essential to provide the services indicated, send your request to our Department of Protection of Personal Data where we will inform you of the mechanisms implemented for it.


How to revoke the consent for the processing of your personal data?


If you wish to revoke the consent granted to us for the use of your personal data, send your request to our Department of Protection of Personal Data where we will inform you of the mechanisms implemented for it.

7) Transfer of personal data.

Your personal data will be transferred only in the terms described below:

  • Companies that provide us with outsourced services. In the event that any of these providers requires your personal data, we will require said provider to only use your personal data to the extent that such use is necessary for the execution of the contracted service or activity.
  • To our affiliates and to companies that belong to the Corporate Group. Terramar may share your personal data with any of our affiliates and / or the companies that belong to our same corporate group.
  • Please consider that if you ask us to make a transaction on our site or at any point of sale, the data transfers will be accurate so that we can process your order and comply with the obligations we have assumed in front of you.

8) Modifications to the privacy notice.

We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time, for the attention of new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products. These modifications will be available to the public through the following means:

  1. Visible ads in our establishments or customer service centers.
  2. On our website in the Privacy Policy section.
  3. We can send them to the last email you have provided

Use of cookies, web beacons and JavaScript.

Cookies are a small piece of information sent automatically by our website, which are stored in your browser. In this way the website can consult this information to know the user's previous activity and streamline some procedures such as maintaining the session or identifying which sections of the site you have already visited.

Web beacons in conjunction with web metrics JavaScripts allow you to store information about the usage patterns of our website. We inform you that we use these tools to obtain statistical information such as the following:

  • Type of browser and operating system, Internet pages consulted, origin of the visit, access IP address, time spent on our site, among other statistical data. Cookies, JavaScript and other tracking and tracking technologies can be disabled, however, deactivating them can cause the website or some of its features not to perform properly.

9) To whom can you present your complaints and complaints about the improper treatment of your personal data?


If after having exercised their ARCO Rights before INCENTIVE GROUPS TERRAMAR, S.A. DE C.V. . Through mechanisms established in this Privacy Notice, you believe that the response has been unsatisfactory or incomplete; or presumes that your right to protection of personal data has been damaged by any conduct or action on our part; or has evidence that in the treatment of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, you may file a complaint or complaint with the IFAI. For more information visit: ifai.org.mx.

Last update: March 25, 2014.